Tuesday, February 20, 2018

February 20, 2018

We enjoyed a day off for President's Day but are back at work today. We are working hard to finish out the last few weeks of the 3rd term before Spring Break! 

Image result for spring clip artDon't forget to re-enroll for next year! Early re-enrollment is going on NOW through March 2nd. Beginning March 3rd enrollment will be open to all new students. Be sure to save your spot! We hope to see everyone back next year!!

Yearbook personalization forms are due February 23rd!!

BOX TOPS should be turned in by February 27th!!

Cookie Dough should be arriving on February 27th. Everyone did a great job during this fundraiser!!

Mrs. Jones's class: Scholastic Book Orders are due by February 28th! Fliers are being sent home this afternoon! Thanks in advance for any orders, they get us new books for our classroom!

Image result for spring clip artOn March 20th there will be an informational meeting concerning a proposed bus route from the Smyrna/LaVergne area for next year! It will be held at the LaVergne Church of Christ at 6 pm. If you are interested in transportation for your student you don't want to miss this meeting!

SPRING BREAK is March 5-9!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 7,2018
We had a great field trip yesterday to see You're A Good Man Charlie Brown. We even go to eat lunch with the actors! 

Inline image 1

Don't forget our cookie dough fundraiser! It goes through this Friday. GO OUT AND SELL,SELL, SELL!  Remember you can get chickens  for your coop for selling boxes! There will be a special prize for the class selling the most. Best of all, it helps our school!

REMEMBER IT IS RE-ENROLLMENT TIME!!!! Get your information in early! Plans for next year are already in the works! 

We can't wait to see you back next year!

Next Wednesday is Valentine's Day. Don't forget to bring a card for each classmate.

Please let your child's teacher know by Monday 2/12 if you are planning to go with us to the Frist Center on February 27th. The cost is $10 for adults.

February 19th is a Student Holiday. Teachers will be attending in-service.

Hang in there Spring Break is coming March 5-9! 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

January 31, 2018

So proud of the 1st and 2nd graders in The Big Chill last Thursday.Hope everyone was able to come out and catch the show! Thanks to all of you who sent in treats for the cast party.

Don't forget we are going to see You're A Good Man Charlie Brown on Tuesday, February 6th.
Your child needs to bring a sack lunch. Wear your regular school uniform.

Image result for cookiesOur cookie Dough fundraiser packs will come home on Thursday. This is a great fundraiser, who doesn't love cookies? The kids can earn prizes for selling cookie dough. For every 2 orders they can receive a Coop Mystery Bag that contains a wacky chicken to be worn on a lanyard. They are extremely excited about these.Envelopes with details will come home on Thursday. Orders are due on February 9th. For online cookie orders  use the school code ID#2677227. 

Image result for super bowl 2018

In honor of the Super Bowl this Sunday students can wear their favorite football jersey and jeans on Friday. If they don'e have a favorite team jersey they can wear an EHCS shirt and jeans as usual.

February 6th      You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
February 14th    Valentine's Day Bring a card for each class mate
February 15th    Donuts With Dad 
February 16th    Muffins With Mom
February 22nd   Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6 pm
February 27th    Frist Center Field Trip