Castle Quest has begun!
By now you know we are raising money for our school. Our Spring Sprint this year has a great theme-Castle Quest. Each day we will be learning a new character word and Bible verse along with being challenged to gather pledges for our run. There will also be a family picnic on April 6. We hope you are planning to attend. Your student should have worn home a crown on Wednesday after our kick off pep rally with all of the important details for collecting pledges for our run on April 6th. Be looking for lots more information in emails and flyers from the school.
Thanks to everyone in advance for your participation.
This is such a busy time of the year. We have so many activities coming up. Take a moment to mark your calendars with these events:
March 28 Class Picture orders due
March 29 Good Friday
April 4th Field Trip to the Discovery Center
April 6 Spring Sprint and Family Picnic
April 16-20 Achievement Tests